Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why "Shannerisms?"

Well, I'll tell you why. Some people are normal people and when they move their limbs or talk with their hands they look normal. Others are described as having odd mannerisms. But only I...(I and one of my daughters) have Shannerisms. Only Kara and I move with such grace and beauty as to be worthy of this new gem in English terminology (pause for effect...and) Shannerisms, coined by my dear husband, Brady.

Me and Kara are shown here, not moving. We don't like to show off.


  1. Welcome to the blog world! I've got you in my google reader so I'll be keeping up on your posts.

  2. Funny! I love your movements of grace and beauty. I understand that you are simply and humbly sharing your talents. :)
